Methods Of Effective Relationship Counseling
Communication is often the key to success in a healthy relationship and couples in distress often wait so long for a resolution, it ends up tearing the two further apart. However, with effective relationship counseling, the couple can overcome their troubles, sometimes with just a few practical methods that will help begin to change the dynamic of the relationship. This can bring them closer together and possibly even re-spark their relationship whilst resolving, or at the least, coming to terms with their differences. But what are those methods that can mend the relationship? Read on to learn about some of the top principles from an experienced psychotherapist, Stuart MacFarlane, has used to help couples through their relationship issues.
Changes The View
In the therapeutic counseling process, the psychotherapist attempts to help both people in the couple change their view the relationship in an objective manner. The couple must learn how to stop the ‘blame game’ and instead, analyze the situation as it involves each partner by taking a step back. They can also benefit from seeing the relationship from a different context than their own. The psychotherapist will jot down interactions between the two partners and formulate a hypothesis about the causal factors that may lead to the way they interact with each other. It serves as a way for each partner to see each other’s interaction in a more adaptive way.
Changes Dysfunctional Behavior
In order for a couple to have a healthy relationship, they must learn how to interact with each other but also how to behave with each other. This means the psychotherapist will ensure that the couple aren’t engaging in actions that could result in psychological, economic or psychical harm to each other. For instance, if there is a risk for abuse, one partner may be referred to anger management. If one has outbursts while under the influence of alcohol, they may be referred to alcohol abuse treatment. If it’s not that extreme, the psychotherapist may suggest the practice of space where they can benefit from separating at times of conflict so it doesn’t escalate.
Emotional Avoidance
Some couples may be afraid or may avoid expressing how they truly feel in a relationship and this increases the risk of them becoming distant and growing apart. But, a psychotherapist will bring about ways to communicate these feelings of avoidance so as to work through the way feelings are communicated and heard. By expressing their true emotions and feelings in a safe place, such as the psychotherapist’s consulting room, and with appropriate help to work through them, couples often become closer.
Strength Reinforcement
When couples are in distress, they will often gravitate to the negative aspects of their relationship and lose sight of the other areas where they function effectively. Instead, a psychotherapist will help them point out the strengths and positive aspects of their relationship to spark more enjoyment in their lives together. For example, the psychotherapist may suggest that each one do something that pleases the other to reinforce positive relationship functions.
Relationship counseling can be a beneficial tool that could help a couple get back to a positive and functional life without distress.